James Abbe, Photographer, Chrysler Museum of Art, 2000
Robert Adams,
California, Fraenkel Gallery, 2001
Robert Adams,
Eden, Roth Horowitz, 1999
Robert Adams,
The New West, Walther Konig, 2001
Robert Adams,
Residential/Commercial, Roth Horowitz, 2003
Robert Adams, W
hat We Bought: The New World, Sprengel Museum, 1996
Gregory Ain,
The Architecture of Gregory Ain, Hennessey & Ingalls, 1997
Kenneth Anger,
Hollywood Babylon, Straight Arrow Books, 1975
Kenneth Anger,
Hollywood Babylon II, E.P. Dutton, 1984
J.G. Ballard,
Crash, FSG, 1973
J.G. Ballard,
High Rise, Holt Rinehart Winston, 1975
Reyner Banham,
Los Angeles – The City of Four Ecologies, U of California, 2001
Roland Barthes,
Camera Lucida, Hill & Wang, 1982
Roland Barthes,
Mythologies, Hill & Wang, 1972
Jonathan Bell, ed.,
Carchitecture – When the Car and the City Collide, Birkhauser, 2001
John Belton,
Widescreen Cinema, Harvard, 1992
Walter Benjamin,
The Arcades Project, Harvard, 1999
Walter Benjamin,
Selected Writings, Vol. 3, 1935-1938, Belknap Press, 2002
Peter Biskind,
Easy Riders & Raging Bulls – How Sex & Drugs Saved Hollywood, Simon & Schuster, 1999
Pierre Bourdieu,
Distinction, Harvard, 1987
Pierre Bourdieu,
Photography – A Middlebrow Art, Stanford, 1996
AnnMarie Brennan, ed.,
Cold War Hot Houses – Inventing Postwar Culture from Cockpit to Playboy, Princeton Architectural Press, 2004
Jeff Burton,
Untitled, Composite Press, 1999
Eduardo Cadava,
Words of Light – Theses on the Photography of History, Princeton, 1998
Italo Calvino,
Invisible Cities, HBJ, 1978
John Carter,
Sex and Rockets – The Occult World of Jack Parsons, Feral House, 2005
Raymond Chandler,
The Big Sleep, Library of America, 1995
Raymond Chandler,
Farewell, My Lovely, Library of America, 1995
Raymond Chandler,
The Little Sister, Library of America, 1995
Raymond Chandler,
The Long Goodbye, Library of America, 1995
Beatriz Colomina,
Privacy and Publicity – Architecture as Mass Media, MIT, 1996
Bruce Conner,
2000 BC – The Bruce Conner Story Part 2, Walker Art Center, 2000
Julian Cox,
Spirit into Matter – The Photographs of Edmund Teske, Getty Center, 2004
Thomas Crow, ed.,
Gordon Matta-Clark, Phaidon, 2003
Guy Debord,
The Society of the Spectacle, Zone Books, 1995
Philip-Lorca diCorcia,
A Storybook Life, Twin Palms, 2003
Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Contemporaries, MOMA, 1995
Joe Deal,
Southern California Photographs, 1976-1986, U of New Mexico, 1992
Joan Didion,
Slouching Towards Bethlehem, FSG, 1968
Joan Didion,
Where I Was From, Vintage, 2003
Joan Didion,
The White Album, Simon & Schuster, 1979
Ed Dimendberg,
Film Noir & the Spaces of Modernity, Harvard, 2004
John Divola,
Continuity, Smart Art Press, 1997
Umberto Eco,
Travels in Hyperreality, HBJ, 1986
John Entenza, ed.,
Arts + Architecture – The Entenza Years, Hennessey & Ingalls, 1998
James J. Flink,
The Automobile Age, MIT Press, 1990
Lee Friedlander,
The Desert Seen, DAP, 1996
Otto Friedrich,
City of Nets, U of California, 1997
David Gebhard,
Los Angeles Architecture – a Guide, Gibbs Smith, 2003
David Gebhard,
Rudolph Schindler, Peregrine Smith, 1980
Getty Center,
Pictorialism in California, Getty Center, 1994
John Gilmore,
Severed – the True Story of the Black Dahlia, Amok, 1998
John Gilmore,
The Garbage People, Amok, 1996
John Gilmore,
Laid Bare, Amok, 1997
Mike Davis,
City of Quartz, Vintage, 1992
Mike Davis,
The Ecology of Disaster, Metropolitan Books, 1998
Russell Ferguson, ed.,
At the End of the Century – One Hundred Years of Architecture, MOCA, 2000
Herve Guibert,
Ghost Image, Green Integer, 1998
John Halliday,
Sirk on Sirk, Faber & Faber, 1997
Jim Heimann,
Sins of the City – The Real Los Angeles Noir, Chronicle, 1999
Alan Hess,
Googie Redux – Ultramodern Roadside Architecture, Chronicle, 2004
J. Hoberman,
The Dream Life – Movies, Media, and the Mythology of the 60s, New Press, 2003
Steve Hodel,
Black Dahlia Avenger – The True Story, Arcade, 2003
Alice L. Hutchison,
Kenneth Anger, Black Dog, 2004
Aldous Huxley,
After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, Chatto & Windus, 1939
Wendy Elliott Hyland,
Samson – A Personal Perception, Univ. Editions, 1997
Fredric Jameson,
Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Duke, 1992
Paul Jasmin,
Lost Angeles, Steidl, 2004
Charles Jencks,
Daydream Houses of Los Angeles, Rizzoli, 1978
Steven Jenkins, ed.,
City Slivers and Fresh Kills: The Films of Gordon Matta-Clark, SF Cinemateque, 2004
Diane Keaton,
Local News – Tabloid Pictures from the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Bianco & Cucco, 1999
Mike Kelley,
The Uncanny, Sonsbeek, 1993
Joe Kerr & Peter Wollen, eds.,
Autopia – Cars & Culture, Reaktion, 2004
Norman M. Klein,
Los Angeles and the Erasure of Memory, Verso 1997
Siegfried Kracauer,
The Mass Ornament – Weimar Essays, Harvard, 2005
Made in California – Art, Image & Identity 1900-2000, U of California, 2000
LA’s Early Moderns: Art, Architecture, Photography, Princeton Architectural Press, 2004
Bill Landis,
Anger – The Unauthorized Biography of Kenneth Anger, Ravenoir, 1995
Maud Lavin,
Clean New World – Culture, Politics and Graphic Design, MIT, 2002
Sylvia Lavin,
Form Follows Libido – Richard Neutra and Architecture in a Psychoanalytic Culture, MIT, 2005
Pamela M. Lee,
Chronophobia: On Time in the Art of the 60s, MIT, 2004
Pamela M. Lee,
Object To Be Destroyed: The Work of Gordon Matta-Clark, MIT, 2001
Thomas Y. Levin,
CTRL [SPACE]: Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother, MIT, 2002
Chester Liebs,
Main Street to Miracle Mile: American Roadside Architecture, Johns Hopkins, 1995
Harold Lloyd,
3-D Hollywood, Simon & Schuster, 1992
Jessica Mitford,
The American Way of Death, Simon & Schuster, 1963
Bob Mizer,
The Complete Physique Pictorial, Taschen, 1997
Michael Morris,
Madam Valentino – The Many Lives of Natacha Rambova, Abbeville, 1991
Karin Apollonia Muller,
Angels in Fall, Kruse Verlag, 2001
Douglas R. Nickel,
The Snapshot, SFMOMA, 1998
Anais Nin,
Diaries, Vol. 5 & 6, HBJ, 1975, 1977
Celeste Olalquiaga,
Magical Kingdoms, Pantheon, 1998
Merry Ovnick,
Los Angeles – The End of the Rainbow, Balcony Press, 1994
Jack Pierson & Jim Lewis,
Real Gone, Artspace Books, 1993
John Rechy,
Numbers, Grove Press, 1967
Liz Renay,
My Face for the World to See, Barricade Books, 2002
Laurence Rickels,
The Case of California, U of Minnesota, 2001
David Rieff,
Los Angeles – Capitol of the Third World, Touchstone, 1992
Joseph Rodriguez,
East Side Stories – Gang Life in East LA, powerhouse, 2000
Martha Rosler,
Positions in the Life World, MIT, 1999
Martha Rosler,
Service, Printed Matter, 1978
Barbara Rubin,
Forest Lawn (LA in Installments), Hennessey & Ingalls, 1979
Ralph Rugoff,
Eye of the Needle: The Unique World of Microminiatures of Hagop Sandaldjian, Museum of Jurassic Technology, 1996
Ed Ruscha,
Every Building on Sunset Strip, self-published
Ed Ruscha,
Gasoline Stations, self-published
Ed Ruscha,
Leave Any Information at the Signal, MIT, 2002
Ed Ruscha,
Los Angeles Apartments, self-published
Ed Ruscha,
Real Estate Opportunities, self-published
Charles Salas, ed.,
Looking for Los Angeles, Getty Center, 2001
Ed Sanders,
The Family, Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2002
Judith Sheine,
R.M. Schindler, Phaidon, 2001
Elizabeth A.T. Smith,
The Architecture of Rudolph Schindler, MOCA, 2001
Elizabeth A.T. Smith,
Blueprints for Modern Living: History and Legacy of the Case Study Houses, MIT, 1999
Robert Smithson,
Collected Writings, U of California, 1995
Larry Sultan,
Pictures from Home, Abrams, 1992
Larry Sultan,
The Valley, Scalo, 2004
Larry Sultan & Mike Mandel,
Evidence, DAP, 2003
Jim Thompson,
The Alcoholics, Vintage, 1993
Eugenia Tsai, ed.,
Robert Smithson, U of California, 2004
David Ulin, ed., W
riting Los Angeles: A Literary Anthology, Library of America, 2002
Tom Vanderbilt,
Survival City, Princeton Architectural Press, 2002
Mark Viera,
Sin in Soft Focus – Pre-Code Hollywood, Abrams, 2003
Beth Gates Warren,
Edward Weston & Margarethe Mather, A Passionate Collaboration, W.W. Norton, 2001
Peter Washington,
Madame Blavatsky’s Baboon – A History of the Mystics, Mediums and Misfits Who Brought Spiritualism to America, Schocken, 1996
Evelyn Waugh,
The Loved One, Back Bay Books, 2003
Thomas Waugh,
Hard to Imagine: Gay Male Eroticism in Photography and Film from their Beginnings to Stonewall, Columbia U, 1996
Nathanael West,
The Day of the Locust, Signet Classics, 1983
Garry Winogrand,
Arrivals and Departures – The Airport Pictures of Garry Winogrand, Charles Rivers, 2004
Robin Wood,
The Films of Alfred Hitchcock, A.S. Barnes, 1969
Robert Aldrich, Kiss Me Deadly, 1955
The Legend of Lylah Clare, 1968
Robert Altman, California Split, 1974
The Long Goodbye, 1973
O.C. & Stiggs, 1987
The Player, 1992
Short Cuts, 1993
Three Women, 1977
Thom Andersen, Los Angeles Plays Itself, 2003
Kenneth Anger, Fireworks, 1947
Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, 1954
Puce Moment, 1949
Michelangelo Antonioni, Zabriskie Point, 1970
Jack Arnold, The Incredible Shrinking Man, 1957
William Castle, The House on Haunted Hill, 1959
Roger Corman, The Wild Angels, 1966
Michael Curtiz, Mildred Pierce, 1945
Jules Dassin, Thieves’ Highway, 1949
Jan de Bont, Speed, 1994
Jacques Demy, Model Shop, 1969
Maya Deren, Meshes of the Afternoon. 1943
Clint Eastwood, High Plains Drifter, 1973
William Friedkin, To Live and Die in LA, 1985
Jean-Luc Godard, Alphaville, 1965
Le Mepris, 1963
Pierrot Le Fou, 1965
Week End, 1967
Curtis Harrington, Nightide, 1960
Howard Hawks, The Big Sleep, 1946
Todd Haynes, Safe, 1995
Superstar – The Karen Carpenter Story, 1987
Amy Heckerling, Clueless, 1995
Jack Hill, Coffy, 1973
Spider Baby, 1968
Stanley Kubrick, The Killing. 1956
Danny Leiner, Dude, Where’s My Car?, 2000
Sergio Leone, Once Upon a Time in the West, 1968
Joseph Losey, The Prowler, 1951
David Lynch, Lost Highway, 1997
Mulholland Drive, 2001
Rudolph Mate, D.O.A., 1950
Vicente Minnelli, Tea and Sympathy, 1956
Tracey Moffatt, Love, 2002
Pat O’Neill, The Decay of Fiction, 2002
Sam Peckinpah, Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid, 1973
Roman Polanski, Chinatown, 1974
Richard Quine, Strangers When We Meet, 1960
Nicholas Ray, Bigger Than Life, 1956
In A Lonely Place, 1950
Rebel Without a Cause, 1955
Boris Sagal, The Omega Man, 1971
Werner Schroeter, Willow Springs, 1973
Ridley Scott, Blade Runner, 1982
Douglas Sirk, All That Heaven Allows, 1955
Imitation of Life, 1959
There’s Always Tomorrow, 1956
Phil Tucker, Robot Monster, 1953
Jack Webb, Dragnet, 1951-1957, 1966-1970 (tv series)
Wim Wenders, The Million Dollar Hotel, 2000
The State of Things, 1982
Billy Wilder, Double Indemnity, 1944
Kiss Me, Stupid, 1964
Sunset Boulevard, 1950